Online Store

a few of our favorite things

Over the last 20 years, we have a pretty good idea on what items that can assist you during your injury recovery. We also know there are some items that we would not want you to waste your money on. That is why we wanted to put a few of those helpful, proven products here.

Can’t find what you’re looking for or we don’t ship to you?

Check out my Virtual Hand Care storefront on Amazon for many more recovery tools and products.

Helps prevent pain associated with thumb arthritis by supporting the base of the thumb.

Helps prevent wrist pain by providing stability.

Helps prevent Trigger finger, Boutonniere and Swan Neck deformities.

Eliminates pain on the ulnar sided wrist pain commonly seen in TFCC injuries. Invented by a Hand Therapist!

Ease hand pain due to arthritis, joint pain, fractures, and more

Refill your paraffin. Available in 5 scents.

Decrease swelling in your hand with this edema glove.

Keep your hands warm and provides relief for your swelling.

Latex Free bands are easy to use for strengthening your arms.

Improve your grip and pinch strength with this exercise putty.

Decrease pain and increase grip, wrist, and forearm strength.

Support painful joints, decrease swelling, and more with tape.

Washable, low profile thumb arthritis support.

Sleep better at night, helps your hand pain and numbness.

Reduces new or old scars.

Hook Relative Motion Orthosis increases finger flexion or extension.

Use the Powerweb to increase hand and wrist strength!

For questions regarding your order please contact North Coast Medical Customer Service directly at 1-800-821-9319 or

The products available on this website site are offered at retail prices as a convenience to consumers. Products sold on this website are not attached to any applicable reimbursement codes. The distributor of products for sale on this website is not a contract supplier under Medicare, any other federal or state program or any private insurance provider. If applicable, program participants are encouraged to shop for reimbursable products available elsewhere through contracted suppliers for their associated health plan. When purchasing products on this website, your personal information is protected. You will only be contacted if, and when necessary, and only regarding a specific purchase or return. We receive compensation for items purchased on this website.

*Disclosure: The links above are affiliate links, meaning, at no additional cost to you, Virtual Hand Care will earn a commission if you click through and make a purchase.

The 30 Day Thumb Arthritis training program is OPEN
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