Shoulder Pain

Injuries and pain in the shoulder can develop from a variety of reasons.

A young athlete may begin to have shoulder pain from overuse, such as with repetitive motion sports – like baseball.

A middle-aged software developer may begin to feel achiness in his shoulders and neck from sitting at the computer for long lengths of time.

Likewise, the busy soccer mom may have injured her shoulder from awkwardly reaching in the back seat to retrieve her child’s toy.

You can relieve shoulder pain and improve function.

No matter the reason, shoulder pain can make everyday tasks difficult and painful. Luckily, simple stretches, exercises, and modifications can help minimize your shoulder pain and stiffness.

It doesn’t have to be complicated.

The shoulder is a very complex joint, made up of several muscles, tendons, and ligaments. It also serves as a channel for nerves to travel from the neck to the arm.

You may have heard of common shoulder conditions terms such as tendinitis, bursitis, arthritis, rotator cuff tear, ac joint separation, dislocation… I could go on.

A better, faster way to treat pain is available.

Most shoulder conditions can be treated with specific active or self-guided movements and modifications to your daily tasks.

Typically, traditional rehabilitation clinics rely heavily on unnecessary, unproven treatments. And you are required – so they say – to attend therapy several times a day for several weeks.

I want to make it simpler for you by skipping the complicated treatments and focusing on getting you better faster.

1-on-1 treatment saves you time and money.

I know you have many choices when it comes to caring for your painful shoulder.

I want to make things as easy and convenient as possible. After all, life is too short to be spending it driving to your next appointment or sitting in a waiting room.

Whether you’ve had shoulder surgery or are hoping to avoid injections, pills, or surgery, I can help you.

Our virtual visit is just like any other face-to-face appointment.

Assessment – I’ll figure out what is going on by examining your shoulder movement, investigating factors that increase or decrease pain, identifying the onset and events causing your pain, work and lifestyle considerations, and more.

I keep assessing your shoulder until I have all the information needed to create the right custom rehabilitation program for your injury.

Treatment – Your shoulder treatment will include active or self-guided movements you need to do with real-time feedback, modifications you may need to make to decrease your pain, and suggested equipment or household items that may help you recover quicker.

Recovery – To determine if we are on the right path toward your recovery, I want to make sure you are seeing immediate improvements. By reassessing your motions in real-time, I will be able to give you the most accurate program with results that you can instantly see.

Waiting to start is delaying the healing.

Don’t wait months, or worse years, to address your shoulder pain, stiffness, or weakness!

If you are looking to heal and prevent shoulder pain, you have come to the right place!

See our Frequently Asked Questions below for answers to questions you may have regarding your shoulder pain and stiffness.

FAQ About Shoulder Pain

What are common causes of shoulder pain?

Common conditions causing shoulder pain and/or stiffness can include bursitis, tendonitis (or tendinosis), shoulder impingement, frozen shoulder, rotator cuff injury, dislocation, generalized shoulder weakness, and more.

It is also important to remember that shoulder pain can be a referred symptom from nerves in your neck, back, or arm.

It is important to have these conditions evaluated by a physician or healthcare professional to get the right treatment program for you.

My shoulder is very stiff. What exercises can I perform?

We have many exercises to get you well on your way to increasing your shoulder range of motion.

We believe you should be given quick, easy treatment methods, so you can see results quickly.

There are several exercises you can perform to heal and prevent your shoulder pain. For example, one exercise can be to lie down on your back and use your ‘good’ arm to help push your stiff shoulder overhead. This is just one of many exercises and is very dependent on your injury.

Should I see a doctor for my shoulder pain?

If you have sustained a recent, traumatic injury to your shoulder, you should see a doctor to determine an appropriate diagnosis and course of treatment.

However, if you have been experiencing gradual onset of shoulder aches, pain, stiffness, or weakness, we can provide effective exercises without the extra trip to the doctor.

Should I put my shoulder in a sling?

Most of the time a shoulder sling is not recommended for minor shoulder injuries.

If you have sustained a traumatic injury to your shoulder, you should see a doctor to determine an appropriate course of treatment.

However, if you have shoulder pain and have not sustained an injury, a sling could potentially cause increased pain and stiffness due to immobilization.

Set up a consultation, and we can help walk you through what you should do.

How can I prevent shoulder injuries?

There are many tips to prevent shoulder injuries.

Those include but are not limited to proper posturing when sitting, sleeping, or lifting overhead and ergonomic modifications when working on computer, rotator cuff strengthening, and maintaining normal range of motion.

We have many educational tips and exercises to help you prevent a future shoulder injury!

Grab your phone or laptop, and book online.

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